

Mr. Lin Jui Hua from Zu-Nan Snake kiln, Taiwan has been pursuing high temperature wood firing ceramic for over a decade. In 26th, Oct. 2012, he finally exceeded his previous 1447℃ record. Within the 54-hour burning process, he hit 1300℃ in by hr 35, 1400℃ by hr 40, and finally reached his peak 1516℃ by hr 45 and remained around 1400℃ to the end. He opened and unload his kiln and share his achievement in 10th, Nov, 2012. This is an rarely seen high temperature wood firing ceramic field which goes beyond the idea of applying enamel on clay body, and shows a new path of ceramic by the idea of "Mother of Glaze" (The glaze produced by the inherit qualities of the pottery, a natural mineral luster that melts out from inside the clay body which represent the natural glaze on the wall of old wood firing kiln firebox).