The Sound of Taiwanese Ceramics -Memorial Exhibition of Master Potter Lin Tien-fu
柴燒創作 Wood-fired Creations
1994-20181994 年,台灣省陶藝學會在竹南蛇窯舉辦「重燃古窯柴燒活動」,邀請林添福指導燒窯技藝,「柴燒陶」隨著國際現代陶藝的風潮吹襲到台灣。林添福又回到他所熟悉的「蛇窯」燒陶方式,雖然現代柴燒的美感觀念和以往傳統陶的柴燒方式截然不同,以不上釉表現天然的落灰質感,不過林添福接受現代的柴燒創作的表達方式,結合傳統陶的美感,他以多年來豐富的柴燒經驗,將「傳統技藝」轉化成現代創作的語彙,又在現代的美感中保有傳統陶的樸實、敦厚之美。
林添福在這個階段的陶藝生涯,除了將傳統陶技藝中,燒製蛇窯的寶貴經驗傳授給兒子林瑞華,讓台灣這項險些失傳的技藝文化有所傳承;他自己也將傳統柴燒的技藝用在現代柴燒創作的表現上,將傳統陶之美做另一番新的詮釋。此外,林添福對於許多年輕的柴燒陶藝創作者,不吝將寶貴的經驗傾囊相授,使「竹南蛇窯」成為許多對柴燒陶愛好人士的交流地點,不但維繫傳統陶的文化精神,也為傳統陶文化開創出一條藝術創作的新生命。林添福晚年的柴燒創作從81 歲持續發表到91 歲,福氣平、長景瓶、簡單瓶為此時期的代表作,鏤空雙層瓶、金魚瓶、台灣牛、黃金兔、龍的雕塑,堪稱林添福為「臺灣硘」開創新風貌,他的一生也是台灣陶業、陶藝發展的縮影。



In 1994, the Taiwan Ceramic Arts Association held a "Reviving Ancient Kiln Wood Firing Event" at the Zhunan Smake Kiln, inviting Lin Tien-fu to lead the kiln firing techniques. This event brought the trend of "wood-fired ceramics" to Taiwan amid the international modern ceramic art movement. Lin Tien-fu returned to the familiar "snake kiln" firing method, blending modern wood-firing concepts with traditional pottery aesthetics. Despite the differences from traditional wood firing, which typically showcases natural ash effects without glaze, Lin Tianfu embraced modern wood firing techniques while preserving the simplicity and integrity of traditional pottery in contemporary artistic expressions.
During this stage of his ceramic career, Lin Tien-fu not only passed down the valuable experience of traditional kiln firing, including the snake kiln technique, to his son Lin Jui-Hwa, ensuring the preservation of this almost lost cultural art in Taiwan, but also applied his traditional wood-firing skills to modern wood-firing creations, offering a new interpretation of the beauty of traditional pottery. Additionally, Lin Tien-fu generously shared his expertise with many young wood-firing ceramic artists, turning the Zhunan Snake Kiln into a hub for enthusiasts of wood-fired ceramics. This not only upheld the cultural spirit of traditional pottery but also breathed new artistic life into traditional ceramic culture.
In his later years, LinTien-fu continued his wood-firing creations from the age of 81 to 91, showcasing pieces like Fuqi Ping, Changjing Vase, and Simple Vase. His works also included sculptures like Hollow Double-layer Vase, Goldfish Vase, Taiwan Ox, Golden Rabbit, and Dragon, which are considered groundbreaking in Taiwanese pottery, symbolizing Lin Tien-fu's innovative contribution to Taiwan's ceramic art scene. His life epitomized the development of Taiwan's pottery industry and ceramic art.


Longevity Blessings Vase (1)
24×24×33 cm

82 福氣牛
82 Blessings Ox
17×47×23 cm

Coiled Dragon Journey
38×38×22 cm

Ocean Blue Small Long Neck Vase
13×13×11 cm
The Sound of Taiwanese Ceramics -Memorial Exhibition of Master Potter Lin Tien-fu
|展覽日期:2024/4/27 (六) - 6/23 (日)
|展覽地點:台中港區藝術中心 展覽室A(台中市清水區忠貞路21號)
|開幕:2024/4/27 (六) 10:00
|專題講座:2024/4/27 (六) 14:00 3F國際會議廳
- Exhibition Dates: April 27, 2024 (Saturday)
- June 23, 2024 (Sunday)
- Exhibition Hours: 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM (Closed on Mondays)
- Exhibition Venue: Exhibition Room A, Taichung Port District Arts Center (No. 21 Zhongzhen Road, Qingshui District, Taichung City)
- Opening Ceremony: 4/27 10:00 AM
- Special Lecture: 4/27 2:00 PM in the 3rd Floor International Conference Hall