The Sound of Taiwanese Ceramics -Memorial Exhibition of Master Potter Lin Tien-fu
立體雕塑 Three-dimensional Sculptures
1960 年代,政治穩定、社會經濟蓬勃發展,生活物資有了相當大的改變。因為金屬製品與自來水的普及,生活日用陶面臨極大銷售困境,陶窯業者急需轉型。當時庭園景觀業者,常常需要石雕動物來當造景或花檯,陶瓷業者因而也想開發這類產品,在這波變革中許多拉坯、擠坯師傅逐漸失去了工作,不得不被迫轉行,林添福反而因為雕塑動物,學習了開模翻模的技術成為炙手可熱的大司。當時內窯「協利陶器工廠」的老闆把開發動物雕塑的重責大任交給他,這份工作激發了林添福從小喜歡看動物捏動物的興趣,進一步發揮觀察精雕的精神,從民俗的獅子、大象花檯、犀牛椅,一路到寫實的黃牛、鱷魚及其他小型動物。



In the 1960s, Taiwan experienced political stability and robust economic growth, leading to significant changes in daily life and the availability of goods. With the widespread use of metal products and tap water, traditional pottery faced a major sales crisis, and kiln operators urgently needed to adapt. Garden landscaping businesses often required stone animal sculptures for decorations or flower tables, prompting ceramic artisans to explore similar products. Many potters and sculptors gradually lost their jobs during this transformation and were forced to change careers.
However, Lin Tien-fu thrived by sculpting animals and mastering the technique of mold making.The owner of the "Xie Li Pottery Factory" entrusted Lin Tien-fu with the task of developing animal sculptures. This job sparked Lin Tien-fu's childhood interest in observing and sculpting animals, leading him to create folkloric lions, elephant flower tables, rhinoceros chairs, lifelike cattle, crocodiles, and other small animals.
In Taiwan's ceramic history, areas like Beitou, Shalu, and Dajia East are known for producing large animal sculptures. While the northern regions used porcelain for their sculptures, the central regions excelled in pottery-based large animal sculptures. Most of the prototypes and molds in Dajia East were developed by Lin Tien-fu. During this period, Lin Tien-fu's transition from utilitarian pottery to decorative ceramics facilitated the successful transformation of traditional pottery into artistic craft items. This not only improved production techniques and expanded export markets but also elevated the artistic value of traditional pottery.


White Horned Rhinoceros Flower Stand
48×25×40.5 cm
The Sound of Taiwanese Ceramics -Memorial Exhibition of Master Potter Lin Tien-fu
|展覽日期:2024/4/27 (六) - 6/23 (日)
|展覽地點:台中港區藝術中心 展覽室A(台中市清水區忠貞路21號)
|開幕:2024/4/27 (六) 10:00
|專題講座:2024/4/27 (六) 14:00 3F國際會議廳
- Exhibition Dates: April 27, 2024 (Saturday)
- June 23, 2024 (Sunday)
- Exhibition Hours: 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM (Closed on Mondays)
- Exhibition Venue: Exhibition Room A, Taichung Port District Arts Center (No. 21 Zhongzhen Road, Qingshui District, Taichung City)
- Opening Ceremony: 4/27 10:00 AM
- Special Lecture: 4/27 2:00 PM in the 3rd Floor International Conference Hall